Keeping Your Hot Water System Running Needs a Pro


Do you have issues with your hot water heater? Sometimes we see that something isn't quite right, but we choose to ignore it or we aren't really certain whether the problem is serious enough to warrant a repair or not. Scale build-up is a typical issue that may arise with water heaters, and it is one that only grows worse with time. There are many different things that can go wrong with water heaters.

If you get your heater checked out sooner rather than later, you may be able to avoid more expensive repairs and replacements.  We'll walk you through the warning signs that indicate you could require a repair on your water heater, as well as the times when you should contact a Hot Water Melbourne professional:

A Decrease in the Flow of Water

Is the water moving at a slower rate than it usually does? It's possible that silt or scale has accumulated in the water heater or the plumbing that connects the two. Scale is a particularly troublesome issue in regions that have hard water, and if it is allowed to accumulate, it will only make the situation worse. A water heater flush or descale performed by an experienced heating technician might solve the problem.

The Water Has Changed Colour or Has an Odour

The presence of discoloration in your water, such as rusty or muddy colours, may be an indication that there is rust or bacteria growing inside the tank of your water heater.  This could also be an indication that the anode rod in the tank is faulty, which would explain why the bacteria in the water aren't being killed and why there is rust in the water.

The odour of rotten eggs is the one that most frequently emanates from a water heater that has developed a malfunction. This condition is brought on by sulphate bacteria, which can grow inside the tank and produce sulphate gas, which is responsible for the foul odour.

Weird Sounds Can Be Heard Coming From the Water Heater

Your water heater is capable of producing a wide variety of alarming sounds, including loud gurgles, bangs, cracks, snaps, and whining noises. The majority of the times, the sounds that come from a water heater are caused by the accumulation of scale, which then burns off inside the heater. The presence of a sizzling sound is more likely to indicate an issue with water flow than it is with scale build-up. Or, if you have a gas heater, it may indicate that there is a problem with condensation.

Water Heater That Is Leaking

Do you have water dripping from underneath your water heater, or is there a pool of water there?  Do not tarry; this may be an indication of a significant problem that has to be addressed by a Hot water repairs Melbourne professional as soon as possible. In many cases, leaks can be rectified, but in other cases, you might require a new heater.


If you observe any of these warning signals, you should immediately contact a plumber so that the issue may be evaluated. Call 247 Hot Water Melbourne service for water heater repair services.


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